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專利齒輪式多功能拆裝器 PAT. M 252610 USA PAT. 7093809

The gear type universal K/D rack is designed for engine maintenance only.

• The gear type universal K/D rack can be removered and be replaced with H.C.B-A1117-4 C-type holder base for transmission maintenance if necessary.

• The gear and engine can be pivoted from 360 degrees during operation. Whenever the gear turning around,the engine will be rotated passively at the same time.

• The K/D rack is time,money,and strength saver.

• The K/D rack can be folded for storage.


使用時, 請勿用槌子或任何工具敲擊活動式插銷. 正確操作方式為輕壓插銷頭之後再緩緩拔出即可.